The last four days has been a frentic coding frenzy–coding for 12 or more hours a day on an assignment for Stanford’s CS448B: Data Visualization course.
The final product is the Iraq War Incidents Browser. Screenshot is below (click to enlarge). Application and (pretty messy) source code, and a much more detailed description on my CS448B page.
Taking the entire data set of the recent Wikileaks leak of Iraq War Incident logs, the application can filter by date and region, and display histograms satisfying each filter.
I am willing to call this version 0.5, since the bulk of the interesting data is in the text itself.
For the eventual version 1.0, I will be adding the ability to view individual records and their content, and hopefully providing text filtering in addition time and geospatial filtering.
Go try it out!
If you have comments, feedback, or suggestions, I’d love to hear them and incorporate them into the design for version 1.0!
Update: Just to clarify, I don’t particularly believe that the release of classified logs pertaining to the war during wartime is a good move. However, since the data’s out there, we might as well try to make some sense of it and approach it in a reasonable and balanced way.