I’ve randomly run into this song half a dozen times in the past few days–playing in Walgreen’s (!), at a BBQ at Stanford, from one of the AI counselor’s computers, and a few other places. That combined with the fact that I don’t have a single Arcade Fire song featured here led me to feature this song.
The lyrics here really got to me this morning as I was making the 8-mile, 30-minute drive to campus in typical Bay Area traffic. I do have dreams of impulsively, unreservedly packing a pack and just disappearing off in Big Sur for a few weeks. Or months.
Fortunately, I like what I’m doing now even more–teaching AI to really, really cool, smart, and motivated high schoolers, and working part time at Palantir Health. Even the 4-5 hours of sleep a night feels fine. I haven’t felt this happy with my daily work in quite a long time.