Origin/Composer: Berry Gordy, Bob West, Hal Davis, and Willie Hutch
Year: 1970
It’s Michael Jackson before he became weird. And Jessica Simpson before she was famous. And the rest of the Simpsons when they were mildly famous.
Origin/Composer: Berry Gordy, Bob West, Hal Davis, and Willie Hutch
Year: 1970
It’s Michael Jackson before he became weird. And Jessica Simpson before she was famous. And the rest of the Simpsons when they were mildly famous.
Year: 2006
Wow. This guy’s almost completely unheard of, but this song’s now making the rounds.
Origin/Composer: Tupac / Jay-Z / Linkin Park
Year: 2006
3 of my favorite songs mixed into one.
Year: 1999
I first heard this song on Jay Leno live, then didn’t hear it again until I saw Rat Race. So I found the song somewhere and put it on my computer and it became my favorite song for a week or two. This song was played during the 2004 Minnesota State Math Tournament right after the math bowl. I had my best performance that year, and the song just capped it off. Then in September 2006, at a social event for a summer program here at Stanford, I sang this song as a duet with Jessica. It was spectacular.
Year: 2004
It’s hard to believe that this was only a B-side.
Origin/Composer: Roger Nichols, Bill Lane
Year: 1975
Year: 1998
I heard this song on SNL and immediately after, downloaded it. I eventually learned how to play it on the guitar, even though it’s annoying because it uses an alternate tuning, so whenever I play it, I need to commit myself to tuning the guitar, playing it, then tuning it back again.
Year: 2005
Despite the enormous airplay of Speed of Sound, I think this is my favorite song off their album, X&Y.
Year: 2004
Nothing more needs to be said about this.
Origin/Composer: Alegría by Cirque du Soleil
Year: 1994
“Alegría,” from the Cirque du Soleil’s traveling show, Alegría, with Italian, Spanish, and English lyrics.
Come un lampo di vita
Come un pazzo gridar
Del delittuoso grido
Bella ruggente pena,
Come la rabbia di amar
Come un assalto di gioia
I see a spark of life shining
I hear a young minstrel sing
Beautiful roaring scream
Of joy and sorrow,
So extreme
There is a love in me raging
A joyous, magical feeling
Come un lampo di vita
Come un pazzo gridar
Del delittuoso grido
Bella ruggente pena,
Come la rabbia di amar
Come un assalto di gioia
Del delittuoso grido
Bella ruggente pena,
Come la rabbia di amar
Come un assalto di gioia
Como la luz de la vida
Como un payaso que grita
Del estupendo grito
De la tristeza loca
Como la rabia de amar
Como un asalto de felicidad
Del estupendo grito
De la tristeza loca
Como la rabia de amar
Como un asalto de felicidad
There is a love in me raging