The genetic revolution may soon yield one more life-saving product, an effective therapy for cystic fibrosis in the form of, surprisingly, a drug already on the market that is currently used to treat depression. See this abstract from Science.
Thie great article from Lifehacker details how to ease the transition into the newest distribution of Ubuntu, especially if you’re giving up Windows or Mac OSX for the first time, and are wondering how you can do all the stuff you used to.
And of course, Ubuntu Hardy Heron is a Longterm Support Release (LTS), so you will be able to get online support for it for at least the next three years if you have the desktop version, and at least the next five years if you have the server version.
An interesting article in the NYT about genetic discrimination:
Gattica, anyone?
I was going to build my own blogging tool using php and integrate with my web site, but it was just too much work. Content is more important than presentation, and both are more important than technical details. Well, here begins my foray into capturing what I find interesting.
Year: 2003
After some introspection to this song, I’ve started up my songs of the week again. 🙂
Year: 1995
Just a few days ago, I went to the state fair with some friends, and, for the first time, I saw a concert at the Grandstand. I got the tickets just a day after they came out, and I’ve been extremely expectant for this. The morning of the concert, I noticed that the opening acts were Colbie Caillat and…LIFEHOUSE! So there I was, with a cheap ticket to the Goo Goo Dolls concert, that also included Lifehouse.
Year: 1996
This song is good, no diggity.
Origin/Composer: John Lennon
Year: 2001
At the end of the great 6 weeks as camp counselor, we road-tripped home, and, on the way, attended a Rufus Wainwright concert in Denver, Colorado. The opening act was Sean Lennon, John Lennon’s son. During the show, Rufus Wainwright invited back Sean Lennon to sing this song with him, as it was John Lennon who originally wrote it. It was very happy and emotional and uplifting. Rufus Wainwright has an incredible voice that carries extremely well. He sang one song unplugged and the entire venue could still hear him very well.
Year: 1978
So, there’s this kid named Marco (pronounced MAHCO) at camp, and he has this amazing raspy Hong Kong accent. He’s a small kid in height, and is always a little excessively curiously active. So, when he suggested that he would lip-sync and dance to the song YMCA at the talent show, we tried to gently dissuade him, because most of time, such efforts fail. But then, he recruited me and Jessica and the two girls in the camp that were dancer/gymnasts. We ended up doing a rather fun dance to the song, and it was a success at the talent show.
Year: 2004
You know it’s not the loud power chords that’s making Foo Fighters’ songs sound good when you discover that their acoustic version is even better than the original.